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                                                                    Marjorie Kaye





2023-Present                 Future Lab(s) Gallery, North Adams, MA

2023-Present                 BoxHeart Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA

2009-Present                 Galatea Fine Art, Boston, MA; Member/Director Emeritus/Founder

2012-2022                     Atlantic Works Gallery, East Boston, MA

2014                              Helen Day Art Center, Stowe, VT

2011-2013                     Brush Gallery, Lowell, MA, member

2003-2013                     Caladan Gallery,; Owner/Director

2004-Present                 The Vaults of Erowid,

2001-Present                 DeCordova Museum, Lincoln, MA; Corporate Art Loan Program

2006-2008                     Gallery 181, Lawrence, MA; Owner/Director

2005                              El Museo Imaginaro,, Uruguay

2003                              Crescent Dragon Gallery, Haverhill, MA

2001-2004           , Richmond, VA

1999-2002                     Two Dogs Working Gallery, Salem, MA

1987-1992                     Chimerical Gregg Gallery, La Puente, CA

1986-1988                     Ariel Gallery, New York, NY





2025 (upcoming)         Future Lab(s) Gallery, North Adams, MA (with Joanna Gabler)

2025 (upcoming)         Wild Soul River, Williamstown, MA (solo exhibition)

2025 (upcoming)         Galatea Fine Art, Boston, MA (solo exhibition)

2024                             Star Bursts, Future Lab(s) Gallery, North Adams, MA 

2023                             Millionth Wave Futurism, Galatea Fine Art, Boston, MA (Solo Exhibition)

2021                             Energy Fields and Archetypes, Galatea Fine Art, Solo Exhibition, Boston, MA

2021                             Sensations of Soaring, Two-Person Exhibition (with Christine Palamidessi)

                                       Atlantic Works Gallery, East Boston, MA

2020/21                        Window Installation, Clark Gallery, Lincon, MA

2020                             Back to the Garden, (with Annee Spileos Scott), pop-up exhibition

                                       SOWA Art and Design District, Boston, MA

2020                             Foundation, Hess Gallery, Pine Manor College, Chestnut Hill, MA

2020                             Strange Circuitry (with Diane Novetsky), ArtSpace Maynard, Maynard, MA

2019                             Synaptic Tides, Galatea Fine Art, Boston, MA

2019                             Constellations, (with George Shaw), Atlantic Works Gallery, E. Boston, MA

2018                             Solo Exhibition, Cambridge College, Charlestown, MA

2017                             NEXUS  (with Carmen Sasso), Atlantic Works Gallery,

                                       East Boston, MA

2017                             Taken Out of Context, Solo Exhibition, Galatea Fine Art, Boston, MA

2016                             Sequence, Colo Colo Gallery, New Bedford, MA

2016                             The Poetics of Space (with George Shaw), Atlantic Works Gallery,

                                      East Boston, MA

2016                             Kinetic Thought-Waves, Western New England University Gallery, Springfield, MA

2016                             Light.Matter.Energy, Harbor Gallery, University of Massachusetts, Boston

2015                             Firmament, Galatea Fine Art, Boston, MA

2015                             Marjorie Kaye: Sculptures, Colo Colo Gallery, New Bedford, MA

2015                             Inner Investigation/Universal Truths, with George Shaw,

                                     Atlantic Works Gallery, East Boston, MA

2013                             The Magnetic Divine, Galatea Fine Art, Boston, MA

2012                             Desire and Compulsion (with Joan Mullen), LynnArts, Lynn, MA

2012                             Desire and Compulsion (with Joan Mullen), ArtSpace, Maynard, MA

2011                             Infrastructure, Galatea Fine Art, Boston, MA

2010                             Organic Crystallization, Southborough Art Center, Southborough, MA

2008                             Mind of the Mandala, Gallery 263, Cambridge, MA

2007                             Zingology,

2006                             Harris A. Berman Diversity Gallery, Watertown, MA

2005                             El Museo Imaginaro,, Uruguay

2004                             Marjorie Kaye - Millenial Mandalas, Caladan Gallery


2004                             Retrospective Paintings and Drawings,

                                       Topsfield Library Gallery, Topsfield, MA

2003                             Powers Music School, Belmont, MA

1990                             Chimerical Gregg Art Gallery, La Puente, CA

1987                             Ariel Gallery, New York, NY

1983                             Studio 54, New York, NY





2025 - Upcoming         M/Otherhood, Feminist/Futurist Collective,

                                     Pianocraft Gallery, Boston, MA

2025 - Upcoming         M/Otherhood, Feminist/Futurist Collective,

                                     Parish Center for the Arts, Westford, MA

2024                             Holiday Show, LABspace, Hillsdale, NY

2024                             8 x 24, Future Lab(s) Gallery, North Adams, MA

2024                             Northern Berkshire Cultural Council award winners show,

                                       Gallery 51, North Adams, MA

2024                             Shared Habitat Earth, Wedeman Gallery, Lasell University,

                                       Auburndale, MA

2024                             The Glow Show, Future Lab(s) Gallery, North Adams, MA

2023                             Chuffed Up! New Artists, BoxHeart Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA

2023                             Stars and Objects, Lightforms Art Center, Hudson, NY

2023                             Monumental, Future Lab(s) Gallery Incubator Space at Downstreet,

                                       North Adams, MA

2023                             Let There Be Light!, Galatea Fine Art, Boston, MA

2023                             20 Years on the Edge, Atlantic Works Gallery, East Boston, MA

2023                             Automatic Aura, Feminist/Futurist Collective,

                                      Installation Space, North Adams, MA

2023                             Out of the Gate, Future Lab(s) Gallery, North Adams, MA

2023                             Hot, Future Lab(s) Gallery, North Adams, MA

2022                             Currency, Feminist/Futurist, Boston Cyberarts Gallery, Boston, MA

2022                             Future Lab(s) Gallery, Inaugural Exhibition, North Adams, MA

2022                             S.H.E. (Shared Habitat Earth), Atlantic Gallery, Boston, MA;

                                       Paula Estey Gallery, Newburyport, MA;

                                       Hopkinton Center for the Arts, Menino Art Center

2022                             Liminal Lab, Feminist/Futurist, Hess Gallery, Pine Manor College,

                                       Chestnut Hill, MA

2021                             S.H.E. (Shared Habitat Earth), Conant Gallery, Lawrence Academy,

                                        Groton, MA

2021                             ArtsConnect, Catamount Arts, St. Johnsbury, VT

                                        (Katherine French, Juror)

2021                             The New England Collective XI, Galatea Fine Art, Boston, MA

                                        (Grace Ryder O'Malley, PAAM, Juror)

2021                             Women in Abstraction, New Art Center, Newton, MA

                                        (Curated by Destiny Palmer)

2021                             Saturation, Atlantic Works Gallery, East Boston, MA

2020                             Heroes and Villains, Galatea Fine Art, Boston, MA

2019                             Western New England University's Centennial Exhibition: Selections from

                                       the Permanent Collection, WNEU, Springfield, MA

2019                             Summer with Friends, Gallery BOM, Boston, MA

2019                             Friends with..., Atlantic Works Gallery, E. Boston, MA

2018                             Recent Gifts II, Provincetown Art Associaton and Museum,

                                       Provincetown, MA

2018                             UFOs (Unfinished Objects), Atlantic Works Gallery, E. Boston, MA

2018                             Variations in Abstraction, Walter Wickiser Gallery, New York, NY

2018                             United South End Artists at Cambridge College, Charlestown, MA

2018                             15 Years on the Edge, Atlantic Works Gallery, E. Boston, MA

2018                             Members' Open Exhibition, Provincetown Art Association and Museum,

                                       Provincetown, MA

2018                             Boston Biennial V, The Biennial Project, Atlantic Works Gallery,

                                       East Boston, MA

2018                             Art Basil, Atlantic Works Gallery, East Boston, MA                          

2017-18                        Open to Interpretation, Mosesian Center for the Arts, Watertown, MA

2017                             Fresh Forward, Galatea Fine Art, Boston, MA

2017                             Provincetown Art Association and Museum, Provincetown, MA

                                          (William Freed/Lillian Orlowski Grant winners exhibition)

2017                             An Aggregate of Forces: 60 Women Over 60. by Joanne Mattera


2017                             Friends, Atlantic Works Gallery, East Boston, MA

2017                             the REPLACEMENTS, Atlantic Works Gallery, East Boston, MA

2017                             31 Women, James Art Center, Norwell, MA

2017                             Hearth and Fire, FPAC Gallery, Boston, MA

2017                             Yellow, Atlantic Works Gallery, East Boston, MA       

2016                             Shelter, NAWA and Violence Transformed, Harlem School for the Arts,

                                       New York, NY       

2016                             The Female Eye, Bundy Modern Gallery, Group Exhibition, Waitsfield, VT

2016                             Exposed, Helen Day Art Center, Stowe, VT

2016                             USEA at 30, @artlery160 Gallery, Boston, MA

2016                             Insider/Outsider, Resnikoff Gallery, Roxbury Community College,

                                           Roxbury, MA

2016                             Violence Transformed, Harriet Tubman Gallery,

                                      United South End Settlements, Boston, MA

2016                             Violence Transformed, Art Speaks Truth to Power,

                                      Cambridge College, Cambridge, MA

2016                             Encouraging the Bloom, Paula Estey Gallery, Newburyport, MA

2016                             The Seven Deadly Sins, Atlantic Works Gallery, E. Boston, MA

2015                             ArtCetera 2015, AIDS Action Committee, Boston, MA

2015                             The New England Collective VI, Galatea Fine Art, Boston, MA

                                      (juror:  Mim Brooks Fawcett, Executive Director, Attleboro Arts

                                        Museum, Attleboro, MA)

2015                             Doppelganger, Atlantic Works Gallery, East Boston, MA

2015                             In Sight, Leslie University Lunder Art Center, Cambridge, MA

                                      (juror:  Randi Hopkins, BCA, Boston, MA)

2015                             Venice Biennale 3, Biennial Project, East Boston, MA

2015                             Massachusetts Artists 2015, Brush Art Gallery, Lowell, MA

                                      (juror: Joanna Fink, Director, Alpha Gallery, Boston MA)

2015                             Pyromania, Atlantic Works Gallery, East Boston, MA

2014                             Port Call, HarborArts, East Boston, MA

2014                             Members’ Exhibition, Helen Day Art Center, Stowe, VT

2014                             New England Sculptor’s Association at the New England Sculptor’s

                                      Service, Chelsea, MA

2014                             Along the Way, Cherry and Webb Gallery, University of Massachusetts,

                                      Fall River, MA

2014                             Violence Transformed 10”X10” Project, Copley Place, Boston, MA

2014                             Boston Biennial 3, Biennial Project, E. Boston, MA

2014                             Plan 9 from Outer Space, Atlantic Works Gallery, E. Boston, MA

2014                             Resonance, Drift Gallery, Portsmouth, NH

2014                             Biennial Roadshow Marfa, Biennial Project, E. Boston, MA

2014                             Totem, Atlantic Works Gallery, East Boston, MA

2013                             Wood, Gallery 263, Cambridge, MA

                                      (juror: Katherine French, Danforth Museum, Framingham, MA)

2013                             ArtCetera 2013, AIDS Action Committee, Boston, MA

2013                             With A Little Help From Our Friends, Atlantic Works Gallery,

                                      East Boston, MA

2013                             no limit. Fountain Street Fine Art, Framingham, MA

                                      (juror:  Kathryn Markel, Markel Fine Arts, New York, NY)

2013                             The Art Venice Biennial 2013, The Biennial Project, E. Boston, MA

2013                             Object Lessons/New Sculpture, Collection, Saatchi on Line,                                                                    (curated by Rebecca Wilson, Curator, Saatchi

                                        Gallery on-line, London, UK)        

2013                             VIZ/PO, Atlantic Works Gallery, East Boston, MA

2013                             Layers:  Forced Unity, Hidden Subjects, IS (Installation Space),

                                      The Cambridge School of Weston, Weston, MA

                                      (curated by Allison Smith)

2013                             New Members’ Exhibition, Atlantic Works Gallery, East Boston, MA

2013                             The Song Remains the Same, Members’ Group Exhibition,

                                      Atlantic Works Gallery, East Boston, MA

2012                             Boston Biennial, The Biennial Project, Spencer Lofts, Chelsea, MA

2012                             New Media/Fresh Paint II, Juried Exhibition, DeCordova Museum

                                      Corporate Program at New Art Center, Newton, MA

2012                             Amalgamation, Invitational, Space Womb Gallery, Long Island City, NY

2012                             Cover the Wall, Space Womb Gallery, Long Island City, NY

2012                             New England Sculptors Association, Transportation Building,

                                      Boston, MA

2012                             With a Little Help From Our Friends, Atlantic Works Gallery,

                                      East Boston, MA

2012                             Life Forms, Caladan Gallery,

2012                             Inaugural Windsor-Whitney On-Line Biennial, Biennial Project,

                                      Boston, MA  (Juror:  Morgan “The Sucklord” Phillips)

2012                             Annual Members’ Exhibition, Brush Gallery, Lowell, MA

2011                             With a Little Help from Our Friends, Atlantic Works Gallery,

                                      East Boston, MA

2011                             The Chain Letter, Samson Projects, Boston, MA

2011                             BUMP!, LynnArts, Lynn, MA

                                      (Juror: Stephanie Walker)

2011                             Boston On-Line Biennial, The Biennial Project, Boston, MA

2011                             Cavity.Lab, group exhibition, East Boston, MA

2011                             Annual Regional Juried Exhibition, Art Center at Southborough,

                                      Southborough, MA (juror and exhibiting artist/juror)

2010                             Exuberance, Brighton-Allston Historical Society, Brighton, MA

2010                             Art Salon:  Enlightenment Through Experience,

                                      Rosicrucians of New Mexico, Santa Fe, NM

2010                             Collective, Galatea Fine Art, Boston, MA;

                                       (Juror:  Dina Deitsche, DeCordova Museum, Lincoln, MA)

2010                             Mixed Media Exhibition, LynnArts, Lynn, MA

                                      (Juror:  Joanne Mattera)

2009                             Inaugural Members’ Exhibition, Galatea Fine Art, Boston, MA

2009                             Bold/Subtle, Upstream People Gallery,

                                      *Awarded “Special Recognition”*

2009                             We Have a Dream, Elm Street Gallery, Malden, MA

2008                             Passages of Death, Visions Gallery, Medway, MA

2008                             The Modern Mandala, Broudo Gallery, Endicott College, Beverly, MA

2007                             Vision Creativa!, University of Rhode Island Gallery, Providence, RI

2007                             Uplifted, Boston Conservatory of Music, Boston, MA

2007                             Cosmic Influence, Caladan Gallery,

2007                             face.value, MATV Gallery, Malden, MA

2006                             Art and Soul, Southborough Art Center, Southborough, MA

2006                             Faith in Art, Bunker Hill Community College Gallery, Boston, MA

2006                             Seekers and Visions, Gallery 181, Lawrence, MA

2006                             FallOut, Caladan Gallery,

2006                             Wake Up Call, Gallery 181, Lawrence, MA

2006                             Mandalas:  Maps of Conscious Order, MATV Gallery, Malden, MA

2005                             I Protest, Hallspace,  Boston, MA

2005                             Myths, Mystery and Ritual:  A Portal Into the Night, Caladan Gallery


2005                             Zoology of the Self, Soul of the Ark Institute for Environmental Art

                                       And Education, South Hamilton, MA

2005                             Up Close in Pink Mandala Project, White Gallery, Portland, OR

2005                             InterActive Redux, Gallery 181, Lawrence, MA

2004                             Small Works, ArtSpace@16, Malden, MA

2004                             Spirit and Transformation, Caladan Gallery,

2004                             From Dusk till Dawn - Rites, Rituals and Symbolism, Caladan Gallery


2004                             The Evolution of Nature and Space, Caladan Gallery,


2004                             Modern Visionaries, Mind, Spirit and the Imagination, Caladan Gallery


2004                             Art History in a Box:  A Visual Time-Line, Topsfield Library Gallery,

                                       Topsfield, MA

2004                             Eclectica:  Directions in Visual Art, Caladan Gallery,


2003                             Small Works, Crescent Dragon Gallery, Haverhill, MA

2003                             Blood of the Lamb, LynnArts, Lynn, MA

2003                             Brave Destiny, Williamsburg Art & Historical Center, Brooklyn, NY

2003                             Color and Light, Crescent Dragon Gallery, Haverhill, MA

2003                             Members’ Exhibition, Otis Rein Gallery, Ipswich, MA

2003                             Water, Above and Below, Crescent Dragon Gallery, Haverhill, MA

2002                             In the Spirit, LynnArts, Lynn, MA

2002                             New England School of Acupuncture, Watertown, MA

2001                             Small Works Exhibition, LynnArts, Lynn, MA

2001                             Earth, Wind and Fire, LynnArts, Lynn, MA

2000                             Seventh Annual Juried Show, Essex Art Center, Lawrence, MA

1999                             Fifth Artists’ Congress, New England Artists’ Trust, New Haven, CT





2023-present                ArtScope Magazine, correspondent

2022                             ArtScope Magazine, correspondent from Art Basel, Miami, “Perez Art

                                      Museum a Permanent Home for Many of Miami-Based Artists Shown

                                      At Art Basel, December 2; “Creating Intimate Space at the Endless

                                      Frontier of Art Basel Miami Beach 2022, November 30

                                      (both, on-line editions,

2022                             ArtScope Magazine, correspondent, “A Timely Call for Social Justice”,


2022                             ArtScope Magazine, correspondent, “A North Adams Overview”, May/June

2021                             Metapsychosis Journal, Interview, May 18, 2021

2020                             Synaptic Tides, Metapsychosis Journal, October 14, 2020

2016                             ArtScope Magazine, ezine, "Marjorie Kaye and George Shaw: The Poetics

                                      of Space" at Atlantic Works Gallery, by Katie Kenney

2015                             Boston Globe, Galleries, by Cate McQuaid, October 21, 2015; Review of

                                      Solo Exhibition “Firmament” at Galatea Fine Art, Boston, MA

2015                             South Coast Today, September 3, 2015, “Strangeness Seems to Be the Theme”,                                         Marjorie Kaye Sculptures at Colo Colo Gallery, New Bedford, MA by Don                                                      Wilkinson

2015                             ArtScope Magazine, March/April 2015, “Nine for Our Ninth:

                                      Marjorie Kaye: Shapeshifter” by James Foritano

2014                             ArtScope Magazine, May/June 2014, “Resonance”, by Linda Chestney

2013                             ArtScope Magazine, Zine, October 3, 2013, “Cornered: Marjorie Kaye”,  by Brian                                         Goslow

2012                             It’s All About Arts, Boston Community Access Television; Live Interview

2011                             Boston Globe, Galleries, by Cate McQuaid, October 25, 2011; Review of

                                      Solo Exhibition “Infrastructure” at Galatea Fine Art, Boston, MA

2011                             ArtScope Magazine, Capsule Previews, September/October 2011 issue

2009                             Making the Art Seen, ArtSpace@16 on-line gallery,

                              Interviewed by artist and curator Sand T

2008                             BRIDGES:  The Photography of George Shaw; Author, Publisher

2008                             Zingology,; Art Editor

2006                             Large Works/Small Works:  Moderated documentary filmed at

                                      Gallery 181, Lawrence, MA interviewing artists participating in

                                      Exhibition.  Aired in July on cable television stations.

2006                             Boston Globe Sidekick, “Quick Picks ‘Circle of Life’ January 25

2006                             It’s All About Arts, Boston Community Access Television; Live interview

2006                             Sunshine All Around the World with Danny DeGug, CCTV, Cambridge,

                                      MA; Live interview, March

2005                             Gallery Spotlight, MATV Gallery, Malden, MA; Host for TV Spot

                                      interviewing local artists

2005                             Healing HQ internet magazine,; interviewed

2005                             Mad Hatter’s Review,;  Illustration of series

                                      of poems; Associate Art Editor

2005                             Sunshine All Around the World with Danny DeGug, CCTV, Cambridge,

                                       MA; 2 live interviews, September

2004                             Malden This Week, MATV, Malden, MA; Live interview during exhibition

                                      “Live InterActive” televised May 19

2004                             Gallery Spotlight, MATV, Malden, MA; narrated video of exhibition

                                      “Live InterActive” televised during the months of May and June

2001                             Spirit Maps, Joanna Arretam, author

                                      Weiser/Red Wheel Books, publishers, York Beach, ME                                        1987                            Encyclopedia of Living Artists in America,

                                      Director’s Guild Publishers, Renaissance, CA

                                        Inclusion of drawing in publication



ADDITIONAL: (Honors, Awards, Panels)


2024                             Northern Berkshire Cultural Council, Project Grant

2024                             Northern Berkshire Cultural Council, Individual Artist Award

2023                             Gottleib Foundation Emergency Grant

2022                             Juror: Biennial Project Finalists

2018                             Massachusetts Cultural Council: Finalist in Painting

2017                             Galatea Fine Art, Boston, MA: Board Member

2016                             Provincetown Art Association and Museum, Provincetown, MA

                                          (William Freed/Lillian Orlowski Grant)

2014                             Adjudicator, Scholastic Art Awards, School of the Museum of Fine Arts,

                                      Boston, MA

2010                             Juror: Cambridge Art Association, Southborough Art Center, Beyond the

                                      Book, Attleboro Museum

2013                             Panelist, “The Sculpture Biz”, New England Sculpture Association

                                      at Bridgewater State College, Bridgewater, MA

2006-2008                    Lawrence Cultural Alliance, Lawrence, MA:  Board Member





1975-1979                    Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY

                                      Bachelor of Fine Arts, cum laude, Painting

                                      Walkenburg Trust Award for Painting, 1979

1981                             Salem State College, Salem, MA

                                      Graduate course in printmaking

1986-1988                    Longy School of Music, Cambridge, MA

                                      Studies in voice and music theory







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